How to Resign from a Job Gracefully and with Tact

10 / 28 / 19 | Candidates

So, you’ve been looking at new and exciting employment opportunities and were offered a position at a welcoming company. Congratulations! But as eager as you are to begin your new venture, there is one thing you need to get out of the way first: you need to quit your current job. Luckily, knowing how to properly resign from a job can go a long way in giving you the confidence you need to succeed and the respect you deserve.

Here’s what you should do before, during, and after your official resignation.

Before You Resign

Before you talk to anyone about resigning, you want to do the following things:

  1. Make sure you’ve received final details on your new job. Is your salary negotiated? Do you have a start date?
  2. Think about how you will transfer your current responsibilities to someone else. Will your coworkers take over? Can you help train your replacement?
  3. Plan what you want to say to your boss and coworkers. What are your reasons for leaving? How will you respond if you are counter offered?

While Giving Your Resignation

It’s important to know how to resign gracefully and with tact in order to leave a lasting good impression. You can do this when you:

  1. Speak with your manager before anyone else. If possible, do it in person and have your resignation letter ready.
  2. Give adequate notice. This may mean much more than two weeks, depending on your position and duties.
  3. Agree on how you will proceed with announcing your departure and passing on your duties.

After You Have Resigned

Once you have resigned, you will likely have some time before you head out to your new job. Before you leave, be sure to do these things:

  1. Remain professional. Keep working hard and don’t speak ill of your company, boss, or coworkers.
  2. Prepare yourself for your exit interview. When asked questions, answer truthfully and respectfully.
  3. Clean out your space. Make it welcoming for the new person coming in.

Now that you know how to resign from a job, you can move on to your new one without burning bridges and without guilt.

Look for New Employment Opportunities With Atlas Staffing

Would you like to leave your current job for a more fulfilling, better-paying one? Atlas Staffing offers expert advice and individualized assistance throughout the entire job search process, and we help connect you with employers looking for candidates just like you in the Spokane, Boise, and Yakima areas. Look for new employment opportunities and contact Atlas Staffing today!


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